Dr Alixandra Risi
Alixandra is a Clinical Psychologist and a member of the Clinical and Consulting Team (CCT) at Code Black Psychology. Alixandra’s role involves developing MACNI care plans, providing forensic services to individuals and workplaces managing psychologically unsafe situations, and providing consultation around complex cases who find themselves at the nexus between the various service systems.
Alixandra is a clinically endorsed psychologist and holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology). She worked within the justice system in New South Wales for over three years prior to moving her career to Melbourne. Alixandra has worked across prison settings, community correctional services, and hospitals delivering interventions and conducting psychological and risk assessments for clients with high risk and multiple and complex needs.
Alixandra holds combined passions for forensic and developmental psychology, and clinical and research endeavours. Her PhD research focused on the implications of parent mental health and wellbeing on early parent-child relationships. Alixandra’s research has been published in multiple journals and presented at national and international conferences. Alixandra is a member of the Society for Research in Child Development.
Alixandra is passionate about equality, advocacy, early intervention and prevention, and creating systemic change to foster brighter futures for her clients and for generations to come.
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